Produced as part of a Fall 2017 seminar led by Faculty Karen Wong, this glossary sets out to define the most prevalent and intriguing strategies and conditions in the mediated environments for cultural space.
What role can universities play in the fast-moving, iterative organism of cultural production? Our seminar, entitled Emergent Culture: Production and Strategies explored current attitudes toward spatial hybridity and immersion. We traversed the landscape of contemporary culture and were wowed by the choreography of the glitch in the speculative architecture of Liam Young and the internet art of Jodi. We debated the gradients of immersion in the theatrical environments of David Byrne and You Me Bum Bum Train. We tested the notion of subversive infiltration in Miranda July’s Somebody app and political provocateur Amir Baradaran’s AR project Frenchising the Mona Lisa. We obsessed over the prescience of the world-building technique used by Alex McDowell in Minority Report. And we marveled at the constant flow of brand collaborations by Jeff Koons (Google, Snapchat, Acute Art) that tested virtual boundaries. We reviewed more than one hundred case studies as we searched for strategies that would heighten our experience of immersive culture.
Interactive storytelling is nearing ubiquity, and every aspect of culture is contending with how to integrate it into their practices, their fields, their industries. Be it experiential marketing, experiential retail, experiential theater, experiential art, or a mash-up of all of the above, we cannot settle for the lowest common denominator.
The expanded field of experiential design has resulted in a kind of schizophrenic hyper-acceleration of cultural content. We (a group of millennial graduate students steered by a Gen-X organizer) set out to compose a short glossary of terms to define the strategies and conditions we found prevalent and intriguing among the noise. No matter the role you play—1.) distributor/producer; 2.) creator/artist; or 3.) user/audience—we hope this guide will prompt dialogue as we continue to expand upon this field with eyes wide open.
Columbia University Events: Link
- Update the email marketing campaign to reflect a consistent visual direction
- Provide branded email templates to aid various departments (PR, Development) in easily creating newsletters and emails
Establishing digital styles and standards:
I designed a responsive 2- and 3-column grid for desktop and mobile. The grid is made up of 3 image blocks and corresponding text boxes and a prominent singular CTA.
Improving workflows:
To increase the organization's efficiency, and improve communication between marketing and the various departments, I built three branded templates using the ESP's (Wordfly) Modern Editor and explained how to use it.
The recent re-design of the newsletter adhered to the brand guidelines established by Manual Creative, fully incorporating brand colors and typeface.
The newsletter was initially re-designed to be responsive and launched shortly after the organization and website rebrand. This version was hand-coded into the email service provider (Wordfly).
Celeste Layne
- Ruby / Rails
- Javascript
- isotope
This is a simple jobs board for people who are interested in working at the intersection of arts and technology. I built this site to make it easier for people who work in design, technology and digital marketing but want to focus their job search on the arts and culture industry.
Current Project Features include:
- login / signup (but no yet available to the public)
- three models (user, job, tag)
- each user has their own profile page that lists jobs they've posted
- users can sort the jobs based on three tags
- users can sign in and add their own jobs to the site
Future Project Features include:
- add models for companies and cities
- send welcome email to new users upon sign-up
Celeste Layne
- Javascript
- React
Buzzy Bee is a mobile web app that allows you create, edit, and view short notes -- like to-do lists. For now you must log in to create a note, create your own or use account name: maria, password: password
Food Hackathon + Forum
Lonnie Kurlander, Co-Founder, Product Lead
Molly Maloof, Co-Founder, Wellness Lead
Lauren DeVos, Co-Founder, Business Lead
Karen Jackson, Strategist
Greg Dalli, Co-Founder, Business Lead
Grant Smith, Web Development
Josh Yazman, Communications Strategist
Caryl Chinn, Food Strategist
Imanol Aranzadi, Web Development
Celeste Layne, UI/UX Designer
2 days
UX Design
Visual Design
InstaHeart is an Android app and text messaging service that enables food stamp users to order healthy food baskets and pick them up at participating locations in their neighborhood.
Retailers bundle low cost foods into a curated and discounted InstaHeart basket that is available for pickup. Retailers reduce food waste by distributing food that would ultimately be discarded. Savings are passed along to EBT recipients. The baskets contain recipes to help promote andsustain healthy habits.
Individuals on CalFresh, SNAP or WIC have access to free or discounted android devices and the text messaging service meets the need of feature phone users.
This five-legged intersection of Hunts Point Avenue, East 163rd Street and Southern Boulevard in the Bronx suffered from safety problems for pedestrians, traffic congestion and overall confusion.
Based upon collaboration with local stakeholders and community members, this project called for shortened crosswalks and added landscaped refuge islands in order to reduce congestion and increase safety for all users.
Tear Sheet
Innovative Community Engagement - Coordinated a panel discussion outlining new initiatives and technologies being used to encourage civic engagement by building community relationships.